Behind the Design - Autumn Blossoms
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Several years ago, I created the design, Paradise Garden. I started drawing it on a whim since I had not planned on adding more to that particular season's collection. I remember sitting out in our field here at home, thinking about how much I love wild, unorchestrated gardens, which is in contrast to my inherent Virgo need for organization and order. But there is something I just adore about letting things grow wild in the way they might if we let them. And of course, because the climate and soil out here are not conducive to flowers and growing really much of anything, the visions are truly daydreams. I love how Paradise Garden turned out, an apologetic explosion of life and color and an honor to these delightful natural wonders.
I have been trying to recreate that same type of design for autumn focused flowers now for the last few years. It is likely because of exactly that, I was trying too hard, attempting to orchestrate and force my sense of organization on how signature autumn flowers might come together in a design, that I continued to fall short on making just the right combination of elements to result in a convincing design. Once I surrendered to the process, and simply thought back to my own memories of fall, making autumn blossoms was an effortless joy and the design drew itself.

My childhood fall memories are filled with very happy visits to our small town outdoor nursery. There are the impactful sensations, like the crisp air, the impressionable pops of bright colors and pompom petal textures of the rows of mums stacked on warming hay bales, the smell of drying leaves and apple cider. Married to those memories are recalling how joyful my Mom was during these visits. I had no idea at the time, naturally, but reflecting back, it is just now dawning on me that my own love of these times is most strongly driven by absorbing my Mom's love of these moments.