2021 Thanksgiving Hostess Gift Guide!
Thanksgiving is right around the corner and we can’t wait to reunite with loved ones. In the midst of recipe prep and planning don’t forget something special for your Thanksgiving hostess! Here are a few of our favorite hostess gifts this year.

Tea Towels can also be paired with another small gift, like a bottle of olive oil or a candle. Simply wrap the tea towel around your go-to to add an extra special touch. Our Bear with Surprise and Fox with Surprise tea towels are great for every kind of gift giving occasion and each have a matching embroidered card to choose from.
Bear with Surprise Tea Towel

Our tree ornaments are sweet tokens of appreciation and can be immediately put to use for the next holiday! We especially love the idea of giving your Thanksgiving hostess our Christmas Cardinal ornaments as cardinals represent love and positivity.
Christmas Cardinal OrnamentChristmas Lady Cardinal Ornament
Christmas Cardinals Embroidered Card