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Coral & Tusk team gift guides | Lynsey Hirth

Studio Assistant Lynsey Hirth's holiday gift guide! gift_guides_lynsey_lores

Lynsey is one of the Studio Assistants focused on Retail at Coral & Tusk! Lynsey is wonderful to work with and we are thrilled to have her on our team - especially this busy holiday season! She also happens to be an talented illustrator and maker, see her work at Lynsey Erin Illustration, or at our upcoming Holiday / Moving SALE - keep reading for sale details. Below is her holiday gift guide! 1. Coral & Tusk Pocket Dolls! For adults and kids alike, find your favorite character with their different accessories and character traits in our Pocket Animals Collection.

Coral and Tusk embroidered pocket animals

2.  Pals! These little guys are perfect last minute gifts or stocking stuffers. Take them along wherever you go! 


3.  Check out Lynsey's illustrations including wonderful little stuffed brownstones, people and things at Lynsey Erin Illustration. And if you are in New York, we will have some for sale at our Holiday / Moving Sale THIS Saturday as well as Monday and Tuesday of next week.

Lynseybuildings (1)  


Coral & Tusk Studio 109 South 5th Street, Room 401 Brooklyn, NY SATURDAY DECEMBER 19th    10 - 6 DECEMBER 21-22   10 - 6