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Five Favorite Things | May 2022

It's the May edition of our regular series where we share what we're doing, seeing, making, listening to and where we're donating this month. Read on for links and our recommendation round-up!


Wyoming Arts Council Logo

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Applications are open for the  Wyoming Arts Council Native Arts Fellowship! The Native Art Fellowship is a $3,000 unrestricted award of merit, based on the artist’s portfolio, honoring the work of Native artists based within Wyoming. Two fellowships will be awarded along with honorable mentions. 
Learn more and apply here, and share!

As part of our Reconciliation efforts we donated $5,000 in 2021 to fund The Native Art Fellowship with the Wyoming Arts Council and will continue to contribute $1,000 to the fund every year through 2027 or until our Navy Quill design is retired.


Assembly Line NYC Design Week
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We visited Assembly Line, the store by Interior Design Studio General Assembly during New York City’s Design Week. We saw amazing vases and drinkware by our favorite glass artisan Sophie Lou Jacobson, as well as the gorgeous new collection from Clè tiles with the fun, textile inspired “Granny Squares” design.

Also on display at Roll & Hill during Design Week are Stephanie’s large scale textile pieces, Great Grey Owl and Roseate Spoonbill. Catch them there while they’re up!


Hello, Molly! A Memoir
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We loved listening to Molly Shanon on a recent episode of Fresh Air. A phenomenal listen, Molly is truly a breath of fresh air. We can’t wait to read her new memoir Hello, Molly! A Memoir


DIY Candles

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Collect and save your beeswax candle scraps! Beeswax can be recycled and reused, from making fresh candles to your own crayons there are so many different ways to reuse that wax! 

To make a candle from beeswax scraps, first collect your beeswax (the candle pictured above has two years worth of scraps!) Then, use a double boiler to melt down the wax. Choose a container, we used a recycled sake cup, and heat the container up before pouring in the melted beeswax. For this candle we used butcher's twine and a metal grommet to anchor the twine which is then tied to a chopstick. Then pour in the melted wax and let it cool.

You can also donate the wax to candlemakers through The Beeswax Exchange or The Beeswax Recycling Program


Abortion = Liberty

Image via The Meteor

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In light of the recent leaked SCOTUS draft opinion written by Justice Alito, which argues for overturning Roe v. Wade, we’re supporting local abortion funds and donating to organizations fighting for unrestricted abortion access in our country. A country that does not have guaranteed paid parental leave, lacks universal healthcare and universal childcare, has a frightening maternal mortality rate, and is currently in the midst of an infant hunger crisis


Here are a few of the organizations we’ve contributed to along with articles we’ve found informative and interesting.



Abortion Care Network

Independent abortion providers care for the majority of people seeking abortion care in the United States – often serving individuals and families with the fewest resources and in the most rural parts of our nation.

Founded in 2008, Abortion Care Network (ACN) is the national association for independent community-based, abortion care providers and their allies. They work to ensure the rights of all people to experience respectful, dignified abortion care.

Support ACN to keep independent clinics open, funded and providing essential healthcare.


The Center for Reproductive Rights

The Center for Reproductive Rights is a global human rights organization of lawyers and advocates who ensure reproductive rights are protected in law as fundamental human rights for the dignity, equality, health, and well-being of every person.

Abortion is still legal in the United States. What if Roe Fell? is a project that maps out which states have trigger bans that will take effect when Roe is overturned. People seeking abortions in these states will need access to what should be safe and necessary healthcare. It is important to know where your own state stands, likely next steps, and researching organizations to support in states with trigger bans.


Local Abortion Funds

The National Network of Abortion Funds has a map of local abortion funds contribute to your local fund or adopt a fund in a state that is less hospitable to abortion.

“Abortion funds are the experts in overcoming obstacles people face when getting their abortions. But they can’t do it without you. In FY 20, member abortion funds received 81,692 requests for assistance and were able to support 44,880 callers. With your support, abortion funds can make it possible for more people to get their abortions.” - The National Network of Abortion Funds



To Be Pro-Choice, You Must Have the Privilege of Having Choice

“People seeking abortions in America must consider: Do I have the money? How far is the nearest clinic, and can I get there? Can I take off work? Will I be safe walking into the clinic? For more privileged people, these questions are rarely a deterrent. But for many women of color and poor people, they are major obstacles. That’s how white supremacy works.” - Monica Simpson, the New York Times


Why There Are No Women in the Constitution

The Devastating Economic Impacts of an Abortion Ban


What’s Missing From the Drafted Decision to Overturn Roe v Wade

“When Roe was decided, a married woman in the United States needed her husband’s permission to get a credit card, something that did not change until 1974. No state outlawed marital rape until 1975. No man was found liable for sexual harassment until 1977. Pregnancy was a fireable offense until 1978.” - Jessica Winter, the New Yorker