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Last summer, owner & designer Stephanie Housley was lucky enough to visit Big Sur on the California coast. She and her husband Chris explored the habitats on sea cliffs and fields that bordered the ocean, hiked through the magnificent redwood forests and observed all the majestic wildlife that calls this magical place home.
Whale Love Tea Towel, Big Sur Field Notes Watercolor Print
“Big Sur is notable and particularly inspiring to me in many ways, from the sweeping vistas that truly feel like the edge of the planet, to the diversity of wildlife--- found both in the ocean and in the neighboring forests and fields. It is an isolated place where we had the availability to observe and absorb nature in its fullest beauty. We saw a bobcat on the hiking trail near the Redwood grove the first morning, which set the tone for an overall awe inspiring time. It was an unusually active time for humpback whales and they entertained us for hours on end, breaching, breathing, tail slapping and waving hello. When we walked down to the ocean on the first evening just before dusk, we stumbled upon two coyote pups who seemed just as surprised to see us as we were them! We later observed the mother coyote catching lizards to feed them. And of course, the eternally playful and hilarious sea otters that occupy the brimming kelp forest and yield bountiful inspiration and joy.” - Stephanie, owner & designer Over the years we have phased out many of our earlier coastal themed designs, so we are thrilled to announce these beautiful new imaginings with our Big Sur Collection!
Big Sur Sea Cliffs Watercolor

Coral Forest Dinner Napkin
New additions to our successful tabletop range include the Coral Forest table runner and accompanying dinner napkins, cocktail napkins, and tea towels.
Coral Forest Table Runner, Coral Forest Dinner Napkin, Big Sur Cocktail Napkin Set

Whale Love, Seahorse Love, Narwhal Love, Octopus Love tea towels
New additions to our signature pocket pillow collection were inspired from the descriptions above of all of the wildlife Stephanie was able to observe in Big Sur; the two coyote pups and their mother catching lizards for dinner at the sea cliffs,
Sea Cliff Coyote Pocket Pillow, Big Sur Coyotes Watercolor
humpback whales entertaining for hours with their incredible breaching, tail-slapping and waving hello, and the eternally playful and hilarious sea otters frolicking in the kelp forest!
Sea Cliff Coyote, Humpback Whale, Sea Otter pocket pillows

Coral Forest and Dive Pillows

Big Sur Seals Watercolor
These tooth fairy keepsake pillows represent some of the sea life in Big Sur - sea turtle, hermit crab, and treasure chest. The pockets on the front perfectly hold souvenir shells and treasures from any memorable trip!
Hermit Crab, Sea Turtle, and Treasure Trunk Tooth Fairy Keepsake Pillows
We strive to give what we can whenever possible to the environments and animals that inspire us, so with all items in our Big Sur Collection, we are donating 10% of profits to the Ocean Conservancy.