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Coral & Tusk team gift guides | Aggie Armstrong


Wholesale Manager Aggie Armstrong's holiday gift guide!

Aggie Armstrong Gift Guide


Aggie is one of the wholesale managers at Coral & Tusk and we could not be happier to have her! She also has her own business with her sister called Little Louise. They make really wonderful baby accessories, blankets and mobiles! Shop Little Louise on their website.

Below is Aggie's holiday gift guide!

1. Embroidered Alphabet Quilt from Coral & Tusk.

Coral and Tusk Alphabet Quilt

2.  Pocket pillows from Coral & Tusk. Particularly the Donkey Cart and Alpaca Cart which make a perfect pair adorned with bright colorful pompoms!


Coral and Tusk pocket pillows


3.  Check out Little Louise. They are really fun, unique and insanely cute handmade accessories for babies and kids!

Little Louise pom pom headbands.