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We couldn't be more thrilled to have our Laurel Dinner Napkin in the June issue of VOGUE magazine!!! We are especially proud of our new extensive Flowers Collection and we are so excited to have a piece from the collection featured in print.


VOGUE June 2015 issue - page 99, featuring Coral and Tusk flowers embroidered table linens collection.


VOGUE June 2015 issue - page 99

Stephanie Housley drew her inspiration from the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, right around the corner from where she lives, and from the feeling of walking through her yard as a child growing up in Ohio. 

"I view living things like plants, tree, flowers, rivers, forest, all of it, with such awe - like it's pure magic."

Her process and illustrations are truly inspiring and we wanted to share all of the steps that led to these striking embroideries.
Flowers in bloom at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden.
Stephanie's Drawing for the Laurel Napkin and Laurel Pillow
Stephanie first begins with an intricate pencil drawing. For these flowers, she carefully selected and composed the final bouquet including laurel blossoms, daffodils, cornflowers, pansies and delphiniums. Then, after scanning the drawing into her computer she uses special software, redrawing every single stitch in order and by color so that it can be read by an embroidery machine.
Coral and Tusk Laurel embroidered Dinner Napkin
the final product - 22" x 22" corner embroidery - Laurel Napkin
The machine then follows exactly as she drew it from start to finish, even taking into account the speed to determine stitch length. It is this alchemy of hand drawn machine embroidery that allows the final product to stay true to Stephanie's unique style and maintain the handmade embroidered quality of all Coral & Tusk textiles.  
Coral and Tusk Flower Collection inspiration wall.
Embroidery samples and drawings from The Flowers Collection
Pink Peonies at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden.
Peony inspirations for the Peony Tea Towel and Foxglove Napkin
Stephanie Housley Peony drawing  
Stephanie's drawing for Foxglove Napkin and Foxglove Pillow
Coral and Tusk Foxglove Dinner Napkin  
Foxglove Napkin Embroidered on White Linen
Our botanical embroideries started first with Plants Table Runner last fall. This inspired us to further push bright florals for spring. "I can't deny that the length and difficulty  of this recent NYC winter was a huge motivation to create something so bold and full of color and life! I know it's cliche but my heart genuinely swells and my chest opens right up as soon as I see all the new Spring growth and buds opening!!" Foxgloves in bloom at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden  
Foxglove inspirations for Foxglove Tea Towel and Foxglove Napkin
    Stephanie Housley Coral and Tusk Flower Drawing  
Stephanie's drawing for the Flowers Table Runner and Flowers Pillow
Coral and Tusk Flower Table Runner
Embroidered Flowers Table Runner on Natural Linen
We love imagining these used at a glorious garden party, an outdoor evening with lanterns and fireflies, an intimate wedding party gathering in the country, or a leisurely ladies lunch followed by coffee, gossiping and games - all settings sharing these bold colorful beautiful stems and bunches as the anchor to gather around for fun festivities. Overhead image of wood table with Coral and Tusk white floral embroidered table runner and dinner napkins.
Embroidered Flowers Table Runner, embroidered Laurel Napkin, and embroidered Foxglove Napkin on white linen.