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Behind the Scenes: Stephanie's Inspiration for the Camping Collection

Our Camping Collection focuses on the experience of being immersed in a different habitat, one that is closer & more connected to nature than most people ever have the chance to be. People wind down, break their stressful routines, and replace it with gathering and reacquainting themselves with moon cycles, constellations, regional flora and fauna and simple joys, like enjoying morning coffee, breathing in fresh clean air in silence and how to build a campfire! 


The Coral & Tusk Camping Collection
From Left: Aspen Log Bunnies Pocket Pillow, Stargazers Pocket Pillow, Camper Fox Pocket Pillow, Hikers Pillow, Briar Bears Pocket Pillow.


The inspirations and feelings that I wanted to capture and convey through this collection are based on the cumulative emotional experience derived from encounters while being outdoors- wildlife observation, wilderness exploration and habitat discovery and education. I have been lucky enough to be able to incorporate this into my life here on a regular basis since moving to one of the most beautiful places on the planet, Western Wyoming 4 years ago. I grew up in the Ohio River Valley and my parents brought me to Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks on vacation when I was 5. Some of my earliest memories in life are from that trip and having the sights, sounds, smells, and exposure to this unique and phenomenal landscape made a formative and ever-lasting impression on me. I returned to this same area as a teen, and then as an adult. I remember one of my most favorite distinctive feelings of coming out West to Big Sky country was that the landscape here is comprised of all things wild and free- wide open spaces, more sky than you have ever seen, mountains suddenly emerging from a valley floor, the smells of sagebrush and pine, sounds of songbirds, spotting rare large game wildlife, walks through fields and deep forests....all encompassed in the deeply satisfying feeling of warm sun on your face and the ability to really breathe it in. 


Coral & Tusk Camping Collection Inspiration
Above: Stephanie on her first trip to Wyoming. 


I personally never went camping as a kid (not counting Girl Scout camp, where I gave my whole troop chicken pox!) and did not camp until I was in my late teens with friends. Camping has become part of my recreating in some way shape or form since, and I have built some incredible memories because of camping that I could not have otherwise. I turn 45 this upcoming September, and for my birthday we are going on a multi-day backpacking/camping trip to Cirque of the Towers in the Wind River Mountain Range!!


I cannot wait to share images and experiences with you all!


In the meantime, I hope you are all able to find a way to experience the outdoors this season. There are many ways to get outside that can be satisfying, safe, and close to home, no matter where you live!
Happy Summer,