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Five Favorite Things | May 15th, 2020

It’s a new addition of our semi-regular column! As we continue to work remotely here in Brooklyn, we are sharing with each other what we're reading, watching, and are inspired by. Today we’re sharing them all with YOU! Read on for our recommendations.


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Do you like roller coasters? Asumi, our Japanese Account Manager, brought this fun website into our lives last week. Yomiuriland has a collection of videos of different roller coasters filmed from the perspective of the rider. Watching them is the next best thing to riding your favorite roller coaster! There are also videos of merry-go-rounds and tea cups for kids.


Salt Fat Acid Heat Book
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Alija, our Content and Brand Manager recommends Salt, Fat Acid, Heat. “I watched the Netflix series when it came out, but now I’m finally getting around to reading the book and it’s AMAZING.” says Alija. “The best guide I’ve come across to really help me understand how to think about flavor and cooking on my own without a recipe.” Samin Nosrat is a wonderful teacher, an absolute gem of a human and a delight to follow on Instagram! Support your local bookstore by ordering Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat from them or search for it on or


Rick Martinez Instagram
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@Rick_Andrew_Martinez is an amazing cook and contributing writer for Bon Appetit, New York Times Cooking and Food Network. He shares his daily life, delicious looking food and gorgeous surroundings in Mazatlan, Mexico on Instagram. Lynsey, our Fabric Manager, highly recommends the brown butter toffee cookies and tostadas recipes. “Every morning I look forward to Rick’s Instagram Stories with his daily “Buenos Dias” from the garden and reposts of people making his recipes.” says Lynsey.


Momoca Paper Flower Candle at Bon Tucson
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We encourage you to shop your local brick and mortars remotely during this time, if you can! Father’s Day is coming up and we know of many quarantine birthdays that may need a little something extra special. Alicia, our Wholesale Accounts Manager, is coveting this handmade paper flower candle by Momoca available exclusively at, Bon in Tucson, along with this hand painted glassware. “What I love most about cities (big and small!) all over the world, are the small businesses unique to each one.” says Alicia. We’re doing our best to support local shops and family owned businesses right now and always.


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We are excited to receive mail of all kinds as we continue to stay at home, that includes email newsletters! Here are a few newsletters we love and highly recommend adding to your inbox!

Austin Kleon’s Newsletter

Austin’s weekly newsletter includes links and projects including this fun DIY.

BlaBla Kids Stay at Home Newsletter

Blabla Kids started this inspiring newsletter to help families stay connected. The weekly newsletter includes projects and the cutest pics of the BlaBla world!

State the Label Newsletter

State the Label makes hand-painted clothing and a pretty amazing newsletter! We especially loved their Quarantine Quarters email from last week. State asked their community to submit images of their home and share their stories, the results were incredible!

The Ann Friedman Weekly Newsletter

If you aren’t subscribed to Ann’s newsletter yet, what are you waiting for?! The journalist slash podcast host shares all the links and reads you need from around the web.