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Five Favorite Things | November 2020

Welcome to the November edition of Five Favorite Things, our monthly round-up of recommendations from our team! This month we’re sharing what we’re reading, watching, purchasing and listening to. Want to share your own recommendations? Feel free to leave us a comment!



Home Cooking Podcast with Samin Nostrat and Hrishikesh Hirway

Illustration by Mamie Rheingold

Large TextOur favorite cookbook author and TV personality, Samin Nostrat, started a delightful podcast over quarantine with Hrishikesh Hirway called Home Cooking. The pair takes reader questions like an adorable 5 year old calling in about new ways for her mom to prepare broccoli, and currently have a very helpful Thanksgiving series with tips and tricks to make every dish more delicious. Listen to the show on your favorite podcast app!


The Super Housekeeper Cat Ms. Neco Nekomura on Casa Brutus

Illustration by Hoshi Yoriko

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The Super Housekeeper Cat Ms. Neco Nekomura (age 4), our special collaborator, made popular through the best-selling graphic novel series “Today’s Ms. Nekomura”, has been sent from the Murata Housekeeping Agency to the offices of Casa BRUTUS Magazine to help out. These days she’s applying her paw in service to its mildly absurd editorial department, and now her tale’s in English too, check it out here!



2021 Calendars
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2021 calendars, because 2020 can’t be over soon enough! 

A few of our favorites for the year ahead, clockwise from top left: Months & Days Perpetual Calendar by Cosmic Peace Studio, Risotto 2021 Calendar at Greenwich Letterpress, 2021 Folding Calendar by Crispin Finn, and 2021 Cat Die Cut Calendar at Paper Source.
Public Trust Patagonia Film
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Public Trust, Patagonia’s feature film on Public Lands. Lots of people have never had access to public lands, and some that have had access their whole lives, have no idea what it's like to not have that. Trust me- this is absolutely a cause worth fighting for. This film brings light and explanation, and REASON to do just that.” - Stephanie. Watch online here.


Simplicity at Home by Yumiko Sekine

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Simplicity at Home: Japanese Rituals, Recipes, and Arrangements for Thoughtful Living by Yumiko Sekine ships February 9th 2021.

"Yumiko Sekine is a creator of the internationally celebrated lifestyle brand Fog Linen Work, whom I admire for many things: her exceptionally talented sense of beauty, activeness, generosity, and her amazing personality.  She wrote a book called Simplicity at Home, which I was lucky enough to read before it will be released in February next year.  When I first took a quick look, it immediately reminded me of how much I was impressed by her talent when I first visited Fog Linen Work store in Tokyo. Then I read it cover to cover to realize that this book not only shows how her simple and beautiful lifestyle can be applied to your home but also tells you things that most people outside of Japan might not know about. How actual traditional Japanese simplicity and beauty is inherited and updated for modern life. 

Japan is a unique country where many different and interesting cultures coexist. Japanese traditional simplicity and beauty have been passed down from generation to generation but some might seem to be disappearing especially in big cities like Tokyo. Yumiko’s book truly shows that those still exist. As a Japanese person who has lived outside of Japan for so many years, I am very thankful for her sharing not only her amazing sense of beauty but also the beautiful traditional Japanese culture that a lot of people in Japan still enjoy in modern life." - Asumi

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